Thursday, March 8, 2012

Mia Adopted!

Despite the fact that it's a little quiet in the house and there's no wiggly butt waiting for us excitedly when we come home, Dave and I are thrilled that we helped Mia find her forever home.  And it couldn't be a more perfect home for her.

Quinn and Carey have a wonderful home with a big fenced in yard and two wonderful daughters, Natalie who is 10 and Melanie who is 7.  The girls are very mature and the family is very dog savvy. They've had 2 other dogs in the past and have lots of experience with training and positive reinforcement techniques.  Carey is a runner and wants to run with Mia (who will LOVE that) and Quinn mostly works from home, so she'll always have someone for belly rubs.  Natalie and Melanie are just the perfect girls to have lots of fun with Mia and give her the play time she needs.

When we arrived, we quickly went to the backyard where Mia had her choice of about 4 or 5 tennis balls to play with and much chasing ensued.  Mia loves her tennis balls and will usually try to bring one into the house.  Which of course she did this time.  She really didn't want to let go of that ball.  She was clearly thirsty and on several occasions went to her water bowl to take a drink, but didn't want to let go of the ball, so she skipped the refreshments.  Finally she just gave up and dropped the ball into the water bowl, took a drink, then pick the ball back up and went on her merry way.  She has a curious little mind.

Dave and I have been lucky to adopt to warm and hospitable people, but this is the first time we were invited to stay for lunch!  It was so sweet.  Quinn grilled us up some fantastic burgers and we enjoyed talking with the family, about their past dogs, what to expect with Mia and what their plans would be. 

When we went to leave, Mia thought she was coming with us (she always did!) but the girls distracted her with toys and peanut butter and we were able to sneak away after a few good bye pets.  It's always bittersweet to see our pups go to another family, especially the sweet ones like Mia who we do develop a special bond with, but we couldn't have asked for a better family and home.  And the next night I got two emails from Natalie.  First she included this picture, which she just titled "Mia chilling"

(Why yes, we think she's on the couch in that picture too!  But really, how do you say no?  Look at that face!)  Then Natalie sent this video (please excuse the sideways nature--she's only 10!)

We love getting updates from families and I hope we get to see more of Mia's happy home.

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