Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Demolition Day

So when Dave and I moved into his parents house, one of the things I was excited about was the laundry on the main living level rather than the basement.  No more forgetting about the laundry--I'd actually be able to hear the buzzer go off!  The laundry is in the family room and is separated by an accordion door. 

I hate that door.

The door was fitted to the room before the current carpet was installed and unfortunately the carpet is either too tall or the door too long.  After over 20 years of dragging across the carpet, it basically decided it didn't want to work properly anymore and started breaking at the top, causing panels to drop down and meet the floor, making it impossible to open the door without lifting the whole thing up while trying to push it across the opening.  Since my in-laws were already away when we moved in, Madaline actually left a post-it on the door with instructions on how to open it. 

Sometimes that worked. 

Often it didn't.

Yup it's crooked.

And then the doorknob started to come off randomly.

Needless to say it was not a good scene.

Just a small section of panels no longer attached to the track and dragging along the carpet.

So Dave and I decided we'd help them out (and save my sanity) by replacing the door.  A few weeks ago we took a trip to Lowe's, ordered a custom-fit door with the proper length, and waited.  Luckily Dave got a call last week that the door was in and since he had a few days of, he picked it up and we planned to install it this weekend.  I made him promise to let me help take out the old door.  He promised, but on the condition that I help him put up the new door.

He sure knows how to suck the fun out of stuff, huh?

But he made it up to me.  He let me use the Sawzall.  You know what that does?  It saws ALL.  Submitted for your amusement:

The finished product:

Dave then had the fun part of cutting the pieces up even more so that we can recycle them.  Luckily, he was able to make them all fit into one recycle bin.

After that, we did put up the new door, which pretty much consisted of me opening all the little packs of hardware and handing things to Dave like a operating room technician to a surgeon, on far less intense and much more pouting on my part.

But in the end we now have a beautiful, working, non-dragging on the carpet door that opens and closes at my whim.

It really is the simple things in life.


  1. Yeah, well it still tried to get one over on me--a little chunk jumped down my shirt and into my bra. Found it a few hours later when I was wondering why my boob was being poked.
