Thursday, June 9, 2011


Last week Dave and I went to North Carolina. It was so much fun.  My sister lives there with her family (we stayed with them) and my uncle and his family live there too.  My parents also joined us, since my cousin Angela graduated high school.  We're the kind of family that travels for a party.  And yummy cake.

We also got a chance to visit our friends Kate, Andy, Brandi and Seth, which was a lot of fun.  We got to meet Kate and Andy's baby, Chad, who is super adorable.  I wish we'd had a chance to spend more time with them, but alas.

Anyway, back to the party.  Angela and her sister Nikki have a trampoline in their backyard.  This might be the only reason that my niece Abi agrees to visit them.  We were there for about 5 hours or so and I'm pretty sure Abi spent at least 3 hours on the trampoline (1 hour was spent doing Just Dance 2--so much fun!--and the other was spent being mad at her mom because she wouldn't let her on the trampoline in the dark).

Abi was bound and determined to figure out how to bounce back up to her feet if she hit the trampoline on her bum. I tried doing it myself and almost broke my neck (sorry, Dave wasn't around to take video of me).  I think it's easier for little ones because they're shorter and have less distance to travel to get into a standing position.  But eventually Abi got it.

(By the way, who knew bouncing on the trampoline was such a good work out?  If it wasn't for the fact that I drank so much water and had to pee, I might have spent 3 hours on that thing.)

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