Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I'm Looking Over...

Over the weekend, Taco and I were weeding the mulch beds (well, I was weeding and Taco was sniffing around the front yard.  He doesn't usually get to explore there, but I put him on a lead and let him wander around).  We have a lot of clover in our yard, which would explain the occassional bunny that I've see hopping about.  And from time to time I'll find a four leaf clover.

This irritates Dave a little because he's the one that usually does the yard work, so it would make sense that he would find them more often.  But he never has.  I don't even have to be doing yard work to find them.  Two weeks ago we were walking into the house after running errands and while Dave was unlocking the front door, I looked down and there was a lucky four leaf clover.  Ta-da!

But back to Taco and I working in the yard.  On Saturday I found no less than a dozen four leaf clovers.  That's kind of bizarre.  When I found the first one, I pulled it to make a wish.  But then I found another and left it so I could take a photo for you.  And then I just kept finding them.  Kinda crazy.   

I figure this must mean some good luck is in store for Dave and I.  Hopefully it's in the form of a job for Dave since he's had some promising interviews and will have some follow up in the coming weeks.  No need to cross fingers, we've got the four leaf clovers on our side (just kidding--please cross fingers!).

1 comment:

  1. I love that the tags on this entry are dog, husband, luck and yard. :-)
