Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Snow Day!

One would think, living in New England, that I would be used to the snow and that it's standard practice to have big snowstorms every week in the winter.  However, that would be wrong.  At least for this year.  And most of last year too.

Last winter we were very lucky, only getting one "big" snow/icy storm in early December, and the rest being just a few inches.  We actually had very little snow, comparative to other years, during the 2009-2010 season.

So when they predicted a huge storm to hit us the day after Christmas, we braced to wake up to 14 inches.  Except we didn't.  Other areas around Massachusetts got hit pretty hard, but it seems the storm system had a giant hole in it, directly above our county and we woke up to about 4 inches.  And much of that snow drifted due to high winds, so there were several areas of our lawn where we could see the grass.

My theory was, add 6 inches to the next storm for every storm we skate past.  I just had a feeling we were going to get walloped.  So last weekend when they predicted snow to start on Friday and go through Saturday night, we braced again for the 8-12 inches they were calling for.  Even though by Saturday night, only a dusting covered our cars.  Sunday morning, we woke up to less than that.

Crap, we're going to get hammered.

I was pleasantly shocked yesterday to receive an official email from the Powers That Be stating only essential or critical employees should report to work today.  I've never been more prouod to be neither essential nor critical.  The catch was that I needed to work from home, but I was totally stoked.  I will absolutely check email and make appointments in my jammies.  Any day.  The best part was, the storm didn't even start until about 2 am, so the potential existed for yet another bust.

My current view--the neighbor's snowcovered cars

No such luck.  Apparently third times a charm and I've been watching the snow come down nonstop, mostly heavy, since I woke up.  I actually have been working (and been very productive).  We're nearing a foot of snow, and are right on the cusp of the 10-15 inch zone and the 15-20 inch zone.  So we'll see.  There is no end in sight--the forecasters aren't really sure when it will stop and I'm not sure that I'd believe them anyway. 

Our driveway. The hole is where Dave's Jeep used to be.

There is still snow in the driveway and my car is covered.  Dave, on the other hand, saw this as the perfect opportunity to go snowboarding.  He shovelled just enough to get to his Jeep and cleared off the snow.  And because he's Dave and his Jeep is ridiculous, he just drove through the snowbank at the end of our driveway and off he went.

Our deck. Notice the extra gas tank for the grill that is nearly overtaken by snow.

I like how I'm warm and cozy (and still in PJs),
but three of the neighbors across the street are shovelling snow.  Oops.
Our side door.  There is an awning over this door and still the snow has come up over the threshold.
Oh, and Dave shoveled off just about this much when he went out.

He just called to tell me he'll probably be home soon. Boy is he going to be tired after he gets all that snow of the driveway.

Again, there is an awning here.  The snow is blowing so much, it's stuck to the door. 
Notice how Dave was so excited to go snowboarding, he didn't shut the gate.

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