So the first part was actually setting up the blog and writing the first entry. Then I had to actually tell people about my blog. I started with some fun friends who were very supportive and a lot of the inspiration for me deciding to do this.
Then I had to tell the rest of my friends and my family. And of course the snarky remarks I had expected started. I surprisingly only got two comments. One from my mom who just had to rib me for starting a blog but not calling her recently. (I swear I really was busy over the weekend. That's why I set the blog up at work--shh!) The second was from my brother--shocking. So I promised him that because he gave me a hard time, he opened himself up to ridicule.
Here's the text I received: "My sister is not interesting enough for a blog, yet she started one, but she is too good for face*book." Ok, so no, I'm not on Face*book (don't judge me, you are reading my blog. I'm the one that does the judging here!). But I have very good, professional reasons for not.
Oh, where do I begin? I suppose since I can't think of anything stupid he's done recently, I'll just make fun of his looks. Dear brother--remember when I said I'd find an LOLcat and dedicate it to you? Behold:
4 months ago
You're so vain, you probably think this comment is about you.