So it's Friday night and I'm excited for the weekend. We had a friend over for dinner tonight and it was great to reconnect with him. I made steak tips marinated in beer. They were tasty.
Our friend split with his fiance recently (like this week) and the situation is pretty crappy. But it did bring up a point that I want to mention. Why are chicks crazy? Seriously, what is it about women finding perfectly good guys and then going all weird and psycho? Stop that. It's not attractive and it makes guys want to get away from you. And it makes those of us who are friends with said perfectly good guys wonder WTH is wrong with you. We want to like you. But we can't when you scare the boys. Put the drama away and realize that you're a lucky duck.
So I am on a mission to correct the injustices caused by crazy chicks. D has a few single friends seeking women without crazy tendencies. Redheads preferred. Drama llamas need not apply.
4 months ago