Yup, we're super excited. I started this blog about a month after Dave got laid off and after 2 years, 3 months, hundreds of resumes sent out and dozens of interviews and meetings in 3 different states, we are proud to announce that not only does Dave have a new, REAL job (he has been working a temp job since January), but it's in the field he wanted so he's successfully moving into a new career.
After years in the lab and being an unemployed foster dad to our lovely four-legged friends, then working a very short term position that ends in three weeks, Dave landed a position in lab equipment sales that he'll be great at. His technical background, having used most of the equipment he'll sell, will really help him be successful. I'm so proud of him and how hard he's worked to get to exactly where he wants to be. He made getting a job a full time job, even when it was hard and discouraging. Even when he spent over a year talking to and meeting with about a dozen people from the same company, hoping to convince them to find a place for him (oh, yeah, the job isn't even with them!), he pushed through. Even when the unemployment checks stopped and we tightened our belts even more, he tried to stay positive and kept me sane, telling me of all the things we'd do and places we'd go "when I get a job."
It hasn't been easy and I certainly don't wish these circumstances on anyone, but I am so proud that he was able to find exactly what he wanted and stay true to his commitment of not going back into the lab. Spending the first years of our marriage dealing with unemployment and a career shift hasn't been a picnic, but I know it's made us a stronger couple and we'll be able to get through the next challenges that lie ahead because we've become a pretty good team.
We are so thankful to all our friends and family who have been supportive and understanding these past few years. Knowing when to ask about Dave's prospects (and even more, when to stop asking), definitely helped us know we had people on our side. Our gifts have been meager (but made with love) and we appreciate all the friends who never pressured us to go out and let us host them in our home so we could be conscience of our budget.
Celebrations will come and we'll share the celebrating with all our friends at some point. But in the meantime, I've been promised a honeymoon and it looks like we might actually get to take it. Guess we should decide where we want to go.
4 months ago